Jean Charles Nourmont Boniface le Menicier,
his founder, a dedicated adventurer has gathered around him people with a common goal : create a human size business group with values
From day one,
he searched for the synergies in between the different businesses of the Group; in a way to be in position to establish a significative presence or even a leading one on its markets with a clear interest in ecology, energy, related and social matters, his policy takes primarily into consideration such different angles.
The name Ithaque
says a lot about his founder. As Ulysse, his path has been long, tortuous. Like any tracks it was built in respect of environment and people.
"Happy is he who, like Ulysse, has made a beautiful voyage"
The essence of any trip is not where one is leading to, but the trip in itself, with what it brings in knowledge, willingness and solutions. That is how the trip fullfills its goal.